Goal Setting For Beginners

In our life skills series we have been trying to share a range of topics that helps you make the most of your natural abilities and develop new skills to support your personal development. One important element of personal development is setting goals for yourself, these can be from the most simple things to bigger long term goals. The biggest risk you can take in life is to not have goals as we can see in the quote below from Bill Copeland.

“The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.”

Bill Copeland

So now that you know how important having a goal is – how do you go about setting a high quality goal that you will be able to work towards? Check out this video below from Mindtools that talks you through the process of setting SMART goals:

Credit: Mindtools

Have you created some personal or educational goals? Why not encourage some of your friends to do set some too and you can keep each other on track and support each others personal development. Don’t forget to #StayConnected.

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