Create Your Own Lockdown Map

One of the things we think is really important here at Youth Online is to take time out to reflect and we all do this in different ways. One cool way that could help you reflect on your experiences is to get involved in an interesting activity CityLab have put out there for everyone to get involved with. They want participants to draw their own Lockdown map of their house or neighbourhood and how people are existing in it differently in this extended period of staying safe at home.

Coronavirus is remapping our world — collectively and privately, literally and metaphorically. What does that look like for you?

Jessica Lee Martin – City Lab

They want everyone to hand draw out these maps and then send them in for them to create a huge collection – don’t worry they don’t have to be super fancy or anything, they just want real life experiences recorded in Map form. It even might be something good to include in your Lockdown journal.

Click the button below to check out their full article and how to send your map in:

As usual if you give this one a go please send it in to us via the submit your activities button on the right >>> we would love to post some examples at the bottom of this page! And don’t forget to #stayconnected.

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